favorite, and this is frequently worn by Mr. Robbins when he promenades in the orchard. He has lots of these good clothes, all of fashionable cut, puffed sleeves, and all the fixin's that go to lend grace and dignity. Usually he wears an apron, and especially so when at his bench. The apron is white, ordinarily, and has a bib with ruffled straps and pockets. There, does Mr. Robbins present a somewhat unique appearance as he works away of afternoons, or sits and converses with his wife.
"Look at the gown and you see a stylishly attired woman. But the face is very manly indeed. Mr. Robbins would be marked in any crowd. His face is full and he wears a mustache that possibly owes a color to art. His hair is long, black and curly, his voice deep and full, and there's nothing effeminate about him except his attire."
It may be added, however, that this case, if representative of one type of Eonist, is not typical as regards the favorable response of the social environment. This is more usually one of petty persecution, so that the history of the Eonist, when less robust and jovial than Com- mander Robbins, may sometimes turn out pathetically.
The two big FP events of the year are coming up this fall.
Dream '78 on the Oregon coast occurs September 26-24. For in- formation, write to Dream, Box 58, 502 Third Avenue, Seattle, Wash- ington 98104.
Fantasia Fair in Provincetown, Massachusetts, comes on October 13 to 22. Write to Outreach Foundation, Box 102, Charles Street, Suite 433, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 for the details on this event.
Make your inquiries and then your reservations early as both of these are very popular events. See TVia #93 for a comparison (page 85).